Here is the sixth article of questions on SCJP 1.5. If you haven't read the fifth article, click here to read.

Question: 26
84. try {
85. ResourceConnection con = resourceFactory.getConnection();
86. Results r = con.query("GET INFO FROM CUSTOMER");
87. info = r.getData();
88. con.close();
89. } catch (ResourceException re) {
90. errorLog.write(re.getMessage());
91. }
92. return info;
Which statement is true if a ResourceException is thrown on line 86?
A. Line 92 will not execute.
B. The connection will not be retrieved in line 85.
C. The resource connection will not be closed on line 88.
D. The enclosing method will throw an exception to its caller.

Answer: C

Question: 27
31. // some code here
32. try {
33. // some code here
34. } catch (SomeException se) {
35. // some code here
36. } finally {
37. // some code here
38. }
Under which three circumstances will the code on line 37 be executed? (Choose three.)
A. The instance gets garbage collected.
B. The code on line 33 throws an exception.
C. The code on line 35 throws an exception.
D. The code on line 31 throws an exception.
E. The code on line 33 executes successfully.

Answer: B, C, E

Question: 28
11. class A {
12. public void process() { System.out.print("A,"); }
13. class B extends A {
14. public void process() throws IOException {
15. super.process();
16. System.out.print("B,");
17. throw new IOException();
18. }
19. public static void main(String[] args) {
20. try { new B().process(); }
21. catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Exception"); }}
What is the result?
A. Exception
B. A,B,Exception
C. Compilation fails because of an error in line 20.
D. Compilation fails because of an error in line 14.
E. A NullPointerException is thrown at runtime.

Answer: D

Question: 29
Given a method that must ensure that its parameter is not null:
11. public void someMethod(Object value) {
12. // check for null value
20. System.out.println(value.getClass());
21. }
What, inserted at line 12, is the appropriate way to handle a null value?
A. assert value == null;
B. assert value != null, "value is null";
C. if (value == null) {
throw new AssertionException("value is null");
D. if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("value is null");

Answer: D

Question: 30
11. static void test() throws Error {
12. if (true) throw new AssertionError();
13. System.out.print("test ");
14. }
15. public static void main(String[] args) {
16. try { test(); }
17. catch (Exception ex) { System.out.print("exception "); }
18. System.out.print("end ");
19. }
What is the result?
A. end
B. Compilation fails.
C. exception end
D. exception test end
E. A Throwable is thrown by main.
F. An Exception is thrown by main.

Answer: E

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