Online IDE & Compiler
One of my friend has showed me an online IDE and compiler for C, C++, and Java programming languages. It's amazing, I've used it just to test the interface. I just thought I would share this so that you could try and use it.This online IDE has been named as "Compilr". One should register/sign in in order to use this fantastic service. It now supports different languages C, C++, Java, C#, JavaScript, Pascal, PHP, Python, Ruby, VB.
Below the screenshot of the homepage of Compilr IDE. You can register/login with the pod located on the right corner top of the page.
After user login, two options new project and explore projects options will be available. Screenshot below
When creating a new project, you can choose the technology (programming language) you prefer to develop. You can choose the version of the programming environment as well i.e.; JDK 1.6 in case of Java.
I just created a default Java program. When you run the program, it will be run on the same window and the output will be displayed below.