Hi guys - I'm going to talk about naming conventions to be followed by a programmer as per the Sun specification.
Naming conventions: The rules to be followed while writing the names.
1. Package names in Java should be written in all small letter.
Eg: java.awt, java.io, javax.servlet
2. Class and Interface names: Each word of a class and interface name should start with a capital letter i.e.; it should be in title case.
Eg: String, DataInputStream, HttpServletRequest
3. Method names should start with a small letter and subsequent words first letter should be a capital letter.
Eg: println(), readLine(), getNumberInstance()
4. Variable names should also follow the same method name rules i.e.; variable name should start with a small letter and subsequent words first letter should be capital
Eg: age, empName, employee_Net_Sal
5. Constants should be written in all capital letters
Eg: Math.PI, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Font.BOLD
6. Keywords should be written in all small letters.
Eg: public, void, int, while
Just another point to you guys - just make sure that you're using a meaningful names to the classes, interfaces, variables etc. i.e.; try to avoid the shortcuts
Java naming conventions