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Question: 46
1. public class Base {
2. public static final String FOO = "foo";
3. public static void main(String[] args) {
4. Base b = new Base();
5. Sub s = new Sub();
6. System.out.print(Base.FOO);
7. System.out.print(Sub.FOO);
8. System.out.print(b.FOO);
9. System.out.print(s.FOO);
10. System.out.print(((Base)s).FOO);
11. } }
12. class Sub extends Base {public static final String FOO="bar";}
What is the result?
A. foofoofoofoofoo
B. foobarfoobarbar
C. foobarfoofoofoo
D. foobarfoobarfoo
E. barbarbarbarbar
F. foofoofoobarbar
G. foofoofoobarfoo

Answer: D

Question: 47
Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. An encapsulated, public class promotes re-use.
B. Classes that share the same interface are always tightly encapsulated.
C. An encapsulated class allows subclasses to overload methods, but does NOT allow overriding methods.
D. An encapsulated class allows a programmer to change an implementation without affecting outside code.

Answer: A, D

Question: 48
Given classes defined in two different files:
1. package util;
2. public class BitUtils {
3. public static void process(byte[]) { /* more code here */ }
4. }
1. package app;
2. public class SomeApp {
3. public static void main(String[] args) {
4. byte[] bytes = new byte[256];
5. // insert code here
6. }
7. }
What is required at line 5 in class SomeApp to use the process method of BitUtils?
A. process(bytes);
B. BitUtils.process(bytes);
C. util.BitUtils.process(bytes);
D. SomeApp cannot use methods in BitUtils.
E. import util.BitUtils.*; process(bytes);

Answer: C

Question: 49
13. public class Pass {
14. public static void main(String [] args) {
15. int x = 5;
16. Pass p = new Pass();
17. p.doStuff(x);
18. System.out.print(" main x = " + x);
19. }
21. void doStuff(int x) {
22. System.out.print(" doStuff x = " + x++);
23. }
24. }
What is the result?
A. Compilation fails.
B. An exception is thrown at runtime.
C. doStuff x = 6 main x = 6
D. doStuff x = 5 main x = 5
E. doStuff x = 5 main x = 6
F. doStuff x = 6 main x = 5

Answer: D

Question: 50
11. public static void test(String str) {
12. if (str == null | str.length() == 0) {
13. System.out.println("String is empty");
14. } else {
15. System.out.println("String is not empty");
16. }
17. }
And the invocation:
31. test(null);
What is the result?
A. An exception is thrown at runtime.
B. "String is empty" is printed to output.
C. Compilation fails because of an error in line 12.
D. "String is not empty" is printed to output.

Answer: A

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